Back to School Evaluations

Proof of Promotion document – On Grade Level 

Going Back to School

If you need to enroll your child in a school, then an evaluation with proof of promotion is required. This serves as the grade promotional document the school will need to place your child in the correct grade.

Normally, an evaluation does not require a grade level. To put a grade level on an evaluation, the certified teacher must review work that demonstrates progress in the previous grade level.

For example, if your child is going into 7th grade at a school, you will need to provide work samples and proof that your child has made progress at the 6th grade level.

To obtain a proof of promotion evaluation, please send the following to cctucker7

  • A minimum of 8 work samples per subject (either photographed or scanned)
  • The samples must be from throughout the year (beginning, middle, and end)
  • Photos of the textbooks and materials used that show the grade level
  • Fill out the Evaluation Request form

If your child used an online curriculum, please provide the parental login information so we can log in and see the progress, grades, and grade level of the work. In the case of FLVS you can download and send the Unofficial Transcript.

Proof of promotion evaluations cost $48 per student, which INCLUDES the Annual Educational Evaluation. 2 documents:

Proof of Grade Promotion – $20 + Annual Educational Evaluation – $37 and Paypal adds a $2 processing fee.

High School Diploma, Graduation Stuff (Cap & Gown, etc.) Official High School Transcript Service – HSLDA: