How To Home School In Florida
Who cares more about your child than you do? Who is really going to protect your child in every way? Who is going to make absolutely sure your child is really striving for his or her full potential? Who really knows your child’s full potential? Who knows best your child’s limitations, habits, fears, talents, likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc.? The answer to all of these questions, and many more, is YOU! We are the most concerned about the well being of our own children more than anyone else, especially mentally, physically and Spiritually; mind, body, soul.
Most of the issues raised by the previous questions are some of the obvious reasons that Home education is becoming more popular than ever today.
The requirements of parents that are homeschooling are very simple and few. When you send the Letter of Intent to your county homeschool office (county school board) for your child to homeschool, you become a “private school program,” a homeschool program; PRIVATE! The Sunshine State Standards do not apply to your child now! The FCAT is NOT required. Actually, the fact is that NO test is required now. Click on the following link and search the links and pages carefully. Read the information several times. Think out of the government school “box” now:
The following link is a good web site to find helpful homeschool information:
The annual evaluation required does not have to be a test, just a portfolio review by a FL certified teacher once a year. It is your choice as a homeschool parent.
{for simple & true answers to homeschooling in FL, & also for annual evaluations done easily, NO stress at a rea$onable fee ($25) I am a FL Dept. of Education certified teacher/evaluator – exp. date: 6/30/16: CCTucker7@ gmail .com -no spaces of course – OR call: 786-525-3545 – cell C.C. Tucker}
The following link is a good place to find lots of helpful information about how to homeschool in Florida, etc.:
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